Fan films
necessarily allow for some refreshing regionalized re-imaginings of
ossified franchises. A New Wake
places Friday the 13th in Europe, specifically in France. As
could be expected, the dialogue is in French with English subtitles.
Hopefully that’s not a bridge too far for the average American consumer,
because if it is, then they are missing out on a fantastic
visualization of the Voorhees milieu. The European locations add a
Gothic stateliness to the Friday
the 13th experience. In this way, A
New Wake is reminiscent of Part VI,
Jason Lives,
one of the few canonical Friday the 13th films that actually benefited from the unique look of its filming location, in that case the American South. And fittingly, A
New Wake has patterned its Jason after C.J. Graham's Part VI performance as the hockey-masked maniac. The staging of Jason is outstanding, easily among the best in
the fan-film world and on par with any canonical Jason, save perhaps
for the Kane Hodder version. This Jason has musclé, as the French say. A New Wake
is lean on dialogue, which only serves
to emphasize its fantastic visuals. The best example is the day-dream
sequence, of which I will say very little since it is better watched
than described. If A New Wake
has a flaw, that would be its anemic story and short run-time.
What it gives you, however, wets your appetite for more. Tres
Pour le film, cliquez ici.